Paul was able to download something onto our computer desktop so that it always shows the time, a notepad, a calculator, today's Dilbert comic, and pictures. Not just any picture -- it scrolls through all of our pictures. And we have A LOT of pictures.
Let's face it -- have you ever really seen me anywhere without a camera in hand or nearby? I am a photo freak. I attribute this to Sis. Parkes on my mission. She made me realize that I'd rather throw away a picture I decided I didn't want then regret not taking one. Now, I guess I can call her the real photo freak -- she'd take pictures of ANYTHING! (Yes, Cylena, you are nuts!)
However, the photo bug got in my system. Ever since then I'm the one taking pictures. And the more I take, the pickier I get. So, I take my kids to photo studios to get pics, and I just tell the photographer how to pose my kids and what angle/zoom I want. I can either be a photographer's dream or nightmare -- depending on how well the kids are cooperating. I can't afford the really good photographers, so I'm stuck going to JC Penney. They usually do a good job, but I mostly go there for the high-quality prints. Paul and I dream of buying a Canon Rebel, but we don't an extra $800 to $1,000 around. When we do, though, we're done with professional photos. In fact, one day I hope to get a little professional training and specialize in photos of families and kids.
Anyway, this photo feature on our desktop reminds me of why I take so many pictures. I LOVE looking at them and remembering so many good, happy times. Just while sitting here typing this I have seen pics of Rebecca trying on a wedding dress, Paul holding Shayla on her blessing day, Madison on her baptism day, etc., etc., etc.! What fun memories. I'm not good at writing in my journal, but my photos will hopefully tell enough of the story that you won't miss too much from my life ... except what I look like since I'm usually the one holding the camera. :)
Aunts are the Best!
5 days ago
I'm a photo freak too! I grew up with a camera always in my face. I use to give my Mom a hard time but, she would always comment that I was the first to want to see the pictures when she got them developed. Now with digital it is so much fun to see your image right away. I did get a Rebel (a used one of ebay thanks to my Mom) about a year ago and I have loved it! I enjoy the photo's of my kids much more than the photo studio's posed pictures. I like to capture them in action. By the way I saw my same camera on sale for a really good deal. The 8 megapixel has come down a lot in price and it is plenty of a camera.
Just looking at the pictures you have on here, i'd hire you in a heartbeat! I must say, you've got some pretty cute kiddos to practice on. :)
This is Cylena here
I still take pictures like that! I think my nephews & nieces get sick of me but hey they're only young once & thanks to me they have lots of pictures and now I make them into videos and give them as Christmas gifts.
I still have a big bag of film that hasn’t been developed because I never have enough $ to do it! There’s like 20 rolls in there and they are all like 5 years old! Every year I tell myself that I’m gonna get them developed onto those digital picture disks they offer now, and every year I run out of money before it happens!
The best thing that ever happened to me was when we got a digital camera and I didn't have to buy film or pay to get it developed! Now I really can afford my picture taking habit!
I got a scanner and as soon as I get the cord that connects it to the computer I’m going to scan in all the photos I took in Georgia. Then after that I’m gonna scan in all my pictures from childhood. Eventually I want to have all my photos saved digitally because it’s easier to make them into movies or share them with people who have e mail & stuff like that.
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