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Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Shayla Bela
Sometimes I get sad when it appears that Shayla's hair seems to be getting a little more blonde mixed in with the red. However, with a face like this ... ... I don't think she's got a thing to worry about!
Brown Inc. was formed in 2000 with the merger of Paul Brown and Denise Palmer. Its first product, Tyler, was released in 2001. Second product Zachary was released in 2003. Product Becca Brown, which was released in 1994 by a sister company, was acquired in 2005 by Brown Inc. and made a permanent part of the company in 2009. Shayla was Brown Inc.’s third internally developed product in 2006. Fifth product Austin was released in 2010. Brown Inc., which specializes in adorable children, is based in Utah.
she is adorable. I can't beileve how big she is getting.
she is definately the cutest ever.
I have thought from day one that she was beautiful... and I don't think she will ever stop being beautiful.
Great portrait!
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