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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Piano Lessons

My kids are required to start piano lessons when they turn eight. Yes, this mom values music, and I enjoy hearing them practice. Well, really practice is often a chore -- as much for me as for them. I hear probably at least once a week (or at least did for the first two years Tyler took), "Mom, why did you sign me up for piano without asking me?"

However, the boys have both been doing great this year! Zachary started in June and has been excited to jump in and learn as best as he can. I bought a book with more popular and fun songs for Tyler, and that was enough to motivate him a little more. (He loved learning the Davy Crockett song when he had Mr. Crockett for a teacher last year, and this past week he's been playing the Darth Vader march.)

Anyway, they had their first piano recital this month and did great! Zachary went first and didn't seem nervous at all. Tyler played the Mickey Mouse club song -- always a favorite :) -- and did just great. They both enjoyed playing for others, and because the teacher takes very few students, they didn't even get bored with the rest of the recital. :)


Now the hope is that Shayla can get in when we want her to -- she's already been on the waiting list for a year. (That's what happens when you find a great teacher for a great price. :)

1 comment:

Lizzylou said...

Who is their teacher. I'd love to get Davy on the waiting list.