Well, we got all the pictures collected, printed and put in Flat Stanley's "travel book." THANK YOU to everyone who helped me with Tyler's Flat Stanley project. It was actually a lot of fun to have pictures e-mailed back to me and for Tyler to see his drawing throughout the world.
I hope you can see these pictures well enough since I had to make collages to include many of them, and I didn't even put them all here. I think I ended up with three countries (Japan, Korea and Switzerland) and 10 states (Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Washington and Wyoming).
Tyler was especially excited to see his drawing next to several LDS temples -- one in Tokyo, Japan, one in Switzerland, and one in Sacramento, California.
Okay, I'll also mention that I cheated on two photos ... can you tell which ones?
Here he is on board a plane with Lee (my bff's hubby) from Denver, Colorado to Rawlins, Wyoming. Lee's comments were hilarious -- like how Stanley has a gift for paperwork, and that on the radio his voice was a little flat. He also put Stanley at the controls during one of his flights. He claimed it was a little tricky to get in-focus pictures while also trying to fly the plane ... This collage also has Stanley around Spanish Fork with Tyler:
My friend Naoko in Japan went to town for us! She is amazing!!! Thanks so much for the many, many pictures and descriptions, Naoko. I loved all the beautiful sites, and Tyler's favorite was Naoko in front of her morning train, which she said is so crowded that your breathing suffers. :) Look at these awesome shots (including ones with her new finacee!):
And here are pics of the Tokyo temple and missionaries in Japan. At the bottom of this collage is Stanley with Suzan at the Swiss Temple and LDS meeting house next to the temple, as well as Stanley at Snoqualmie Falls, Washington, which is where Paul and I were engaged:
Stanley got to visit my friend Melissa in California. While there he got to go to the library (with her son) and had a tea party with her daughter. What delightful hosts. :)
The bottom three of this collage are Stanley at Coastal Carolina University (where Uncle Brandon teaches), as a star in a Korean movie (thanks to Brandon's in-laws in Korea), and Stanley seeing a ship come in at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.
Stanley also got to visit Kaylee in Notus, Idaho on her farm. Tyler loved that she told us the horse and cow's name. He also visited with cousins in Tempe, Arizona, where he got a picture in front of a huge cactus and attended a horse parade:
It's just too bad we can't reuse these pics when it's Zachary's turn to do his project in 2nd grade. However, I sure feel like I did it a much easier way than was suggested by making Stanley digital. Thanks again for everyone's help. I hope you let me know when your kids need help with projects!
BTW, could you pick out the fakes? I sent Stanley to about four people in Washington, and none of them were able to come through for various reasons. We had to have one from the state where Tyler was born, so I pulled up one of our old photos from Snoqualmie Falls and added his Stanley. And the other fake is the one from Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. I pulled the picture off of a friend's blog (they lived in Hawaii until recently), and her son's hands looked just perfect for holding Stanley ... although he really was just pointing his hands forward with nothing in them. Pretty sneaky, huh? The more I learn about Photoshop the more I learn that you can't believe any pictures you see! :) But the rest of these Stanley pics are all legit.
Visitors and Nutty Squirrels
1 day ago
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