First of all I have to say how grateful we are for Paul's new job!!! I went to Costco this week and realized that EVERY item we buy there went up in price. Without his raise, we would be feeling the pain of higher groceries. Also, people are jumping ship left and right from his old company. The management is no longer trying to improve the company, but trying to "slim" it up to sell. It sounds like a mess, and we're glad we left when we did. We just hope Paul's friends still there get out while the gettin' is good! (Jump, Josh! Jump!!)
Something annoying me lately is Lifetouch. They're the photo people who do sports photos here and school pics. I didn't actually order any school pictures this year, because last year's were a crock -- Becca's was so dark her hair looked black (it's brown), and Tyler's were off-center. How hard is it when you tell the kid to sit down and snap his picture?!? Their sports photos are even worse -- in Tyler's T-ball picture he is so far back you can't confirm for sure whether or not it's him. Apparently some lady just posed my nephew so he got the pictures back and doesn't appreciate his feminine pose. In soccer last year they got the water meter cover in the pictures with the individual poses -- until I pointed it out to them and they corrected the problem. Duh! This is your job -- do it right!!! In any case, I've decided to start taking my own pictures by standing next to the Lifetouch photographer and just taking one the same time they do.
Well, due to weather they had to move them inside this year, so I ordered a small package anyway since my camera isn't the best for indoors. (My Canon SLR is still on the wishlist!) Anyway, I took the team photo wihout a problem. Then for individual pictures the lady informs me that their background is copyrighted, and I can't use my camera to take any pictures on their background. Excuse me? The BACKGROUND is copyrighted? I told her I ordered a package, but I wanted a backup since I really didn't always get the best pictures from them. She said no. I asked who her supervisor was so I could ask them. She said, "There's Frank. If he says it's okay we can do it." I explained the situation to Frank and he said sure, I could take a picture -- especially since I ordered a package. She said, "Well, I guess we better ask Mike." HELLO! You just said Frank could decide. Why did we ask him if he's not your supervisor?!? I said, "You said if we ask Frank and he said yes we could do it. We're already going to be late for the soccer game, let's just go on what Frank said!" She was all worried, but Frank said, "Just let her do it!" So, Tyler gets up to pose, and the lady steps in front of me on purpose. Are you kidding?!? In any case, I had him step to the side and got this picture ... hope I don't get arrested for using this so totally original background that Lifetouch copyrighted ...

And the last little annoying thing has to do with my car blinkers -- they're not working. Apparently I have some kind of short in the system, so sometimes they work, sometimes they don't, and sometimes the wrong blinker comes on. (The first time the wrong blinker came on I figured I was really tired and had turned on the wrong one. Nope, just the car thinking backwards. I can't wait to get my Toyota!!! They rule!) Anyway, I haven't worried too much about it, but I'm sure I get some people behind me a little annoyed ("Thanks for the blink, Dink!"). So, last night I came to an intersection where I had the right-of-way, the guy coming towards me wanted to turn left, as did I. I figured rather than making him wait until I got to the intersection to turn left, I would stick my arm out the window and signal that way. You should have seen the looks I got! The guy coming towards me was so stumped by my signal that he just sat there staring at me. The lady sitting at the stop sign on my left stared at me all the way around the corner with a confused look on her face. Maybe I should try the arm signaling more often -- it was hilarious!
Oh, and the most hilarious randomness comes from Becca. Oftentimes in the morning her brain isn't quite awake yet. This morning she wasn't wearing her glasses, and Paul and I kept saying she was missing something ("I SEE when I LOOK at you that you're missing something"), that maybe she had Lasik and didn't tell us, or that her vision improved dramatically overnight, and she said (in a VERY annoyed voice), "I am wearing my retainers!" But that wasn't the one that had me almost crying I was laughing so hard. We were reading scriptures, and we came to the one that I always read as, "Forgive men their trespasses." Becca was reading, and she said, "Forgive men their tapestries." I laughed so hard I almost couldn't be respectful during our prayer later! In any case, if you have curtains I don't like, I will work on forgiving you. :)
I think that I should start copy writing plain color backgrounds. I will start with navy blue.
What a great laught to start the morning! I was already laughing about the beautiful Lifetouch background, but then Becca came through even more. I hope my laughing isn't waking up my kids... :)
OK paul you can have navy blue. but i think I will copywrite gray and brown. that should make me some good money! :)
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