A whole bunch about us you may have never wanted to know.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Just a few random items:

** I went to see a movie the day before Thanksgiving. They showed a preview of The Golden Compass, which looks really well done. I was afraid the others in the theater will be tempted by the misleading preview. So, I booed really loud when it was first on. Then after the preview when it was quiet, I said loud enough for all five other patrons to hear, "Well, that's an interesting way to portray killing God." I figured this would let them know why I booed. Too bad more people weren't there on Thanksgiving Eve to hear my courage in standing up against an anti-religion movie.

** BTW, I cut my thumb with the knives yesterday. I once again wasn't cutting, just moving the knife over. Oops. Yes, these are the sharpest knives we've ever had. Maybe we ought to sue Amp and Julie for giving them to us. (Ha, ha ... just kidding!!!)

** I LOVE scrapbooking, especially when I can tell a story on my page. I have a friend who is a phenomenal scrapbooker whose style I idolize! In any case, I've posted a few pages I've done on Simple Scrapbooks Magazine's Reader's Gallery. If you'd be interested to see my pages, Paul created a link at the bottom of the left column. I'll try to post regularly so you can see my "hard" work. :)

** Oh, and is it just me or is traffic worse than usual and stores busier than usual in preparation for Christmas. Good thing I'm done shopping so I can stay home!!! Love the season, just not the crowds.

** We tried to put up our tree last night but have misplaced our tree stand at some point during the year. Anyone seen that around?


Unknown said...

Hey we changed our blog address to be more private to sskmcck and you might want to update your link!

Dashley said...

Denise- you amaze me. I wish I could be more outspoken and to the point like you. Maybe some day...