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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Expensive Work

I'm still a little amazed that nobody even commented on my Amazing Brains entry. I still think that's pretty incredible ...

But on to bigger things ... at least bigger in price! Paul and I were discussing the other day how much our work is/was billed for. When I left the PR agency in 2003, my work was billed at $125 per hour! And I was just an account executive, not a manager or senior member of the team. Paul's work at Unisys was billed $195 per hour with a minimum 2 hour charge plus travel and parts. At DirectPointe they bill $125 an hour for out-of-contract work.

Isn't it incredible to think ANYONE's time is worth that much? Do you know how much easier that was than being a mom, for which I get paid squat?!? It was just a nice reminder that my brain was valuable at one time, even if it doesn't feel like it now!


Hilary said...

Today I'm feeling like you could not possibly pay me what I'm worth as a mother. I am feeling so tired these days... Can I go home at 5:00?

Hilary said...

Here's another thought. If we do try and pay someone so we can have a break, it's like only around $2/child. Hello!!! I could pay to have a guy fix my computer for an hour, or (in my case with two kids) I could pay someone to watch my kids for three whole days -- for the same price!! Hmmm....